Working together with Kindo, Northcote Intermediate school offers you a simple and quick way to view and pay for school items, order lunches, and register for sports.
- No cash, no paper, no hassle!
This is our preferred method of payment, and we encourage you to set-up your myKindo account today.
Payment options: Internet banking, instant transfers, online EFTPOS, and credit card options available. Visit for more information on payment options.
Online Tutorial: Click here for a short tutorial on how to use Kindo
Please contact the school office on (09) 481,1400, or contact the Kindo helpdesk on freephone 0508 454 636, or email
First Time Users
Registered Users
ezlunch Menu
Click here if you are a first time user of Kindo. You’ll need to register to set up your account.
Click here to use Kindo online to make full or part payments for all school activities and donations, register and pay for school sports teams, support fundraisers and complete permission slips.
Click here to see the ezlunch menu